Costco Mortgage Integration - ActiveProspect

Costco Mortgage Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




Costco Mortgage Website


The Mortgage Program for Costco members, provided by First Choice Loan Services Inc. and other participating lenders. Managed by Affinity Partnerships, LLC.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The lead identifier that the source should reference
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (day)
Phone 2Phone 2 (home)
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
ReferenceCostco Ref ID
Ip AddressIP Address
Time To ContactBest time to contact
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Is MilitaryHas applicant served in the military?
Mortgage Bankruptcy Date DeclaredDate when bankruptcy was declared
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Application Created AtTime application was filed
Mortgage Application Late PaymentsNumber of late mortgage payments
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan PurposePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan TypePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Existing Property ValueAmount the property is currently valued at
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's current mortgage
Mortgage First Mortgage RateInterest rate currently paying on mortgrate (4.25)
Costco Has Income VerificationDoes the applicant have income verification?
Costco Is MemberIs the applicant a Costco member?
Costco Membership IdCostco membership id
Costco Membership TypeCostco membership type
Costco ExclusivityCostco exclusivity
Costco Loan TypeCostco loan type
Costco ProductCostco product description
Costco Mortgage Late PaymentsNumber of late payments
Costco Mortgage Is Short SaleIs the application for a short sale?