Webbula Integration
Hygiene & Validate
Your account will be charged $0.01 for each append by this service.
Mitigate fraud, identify hidden threats, and ensure your message is reaching your customer's inbox without damaging your Sender Reputation.
Appended Fields
Webbula will append the following data to your lead.
Appended Field | Description |
Threat | The Webbula determined threat category. Reputation, Fraud, Delivery, Conversion, Beta, Clean, Invalid, Unknown |
Corrected | The corrected email from Webbula. Will be not available, if no correction is made. |
Original | The original email, as sent, prior to getting corrected. |
Outcome | Was the email successfully filtered? Success or failure. |
Reason | If the email verification failed or if information was not appended, this is the error reason. |
Billable | If the event is billable, billable count, else 0 |
Duration | How long the call to Webbula took, in seconds |
The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.
Field | Description |
Email Required fieldWebbula needs this data to function. | Email address, defaults to the lead's "Email" field |
Custom Input Variables
The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).
Variable | Description |
Timeout Seconds | Produce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360) |