Protect Your Business
with TCPA Compliance

If you contact consumers on their mobile phone, you could be

liable for $1,500.00 for every call or text. That adds up fast.


What does “TCPA” stand for?

“TCPA” stands for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), a piece of federal legislation that requires prior express written consent for texts or calls made to mobile phones using auto-dialers or pre-recorded messages.

What does TCPA stand for?

Ignorance isn’t bliss.

Protect your company by learning about and following TCPA best practices.

Why follow TCPA best practices?

If you’re one of the thousands of companies that use telemarketing or telesales as part of your outbound lead generation strategy, you simply can’t afford to get caught in a TCPA violation. Failing to meet TCPA compliance standards can cost you in both legal fees and your brand’s reputation -- litigation is on the rise.

You see, TCPA violations represent easy money for people ranging from angry consumers to class action litigators. Multi-million dollar settlements are common. To make matters worse, suits can be filed for perceived violations up to 4 years after the date of contact.

TCPA best practices

ActiveProspect is a tremendous partner. I sleep better at night knowing TrustedForm is powering the front end of our business from a compliance standpoint.

- Capwest Mortgage

We wanted to have really good compliance on our various websites so that when customers enter their information we have a record of that consent. TrustedForm is a great product for us for that purpose.

- Smart Financial

We drive a decent amount of TCPA leads to a lot of different buyers and we were looking for a way to provide peace of mind for them that everything was collected compliantly. TrustedForm has helped us give our buyers that peace of mind.

- Launch Potato

We've had to use it a few times -- not due to complaints but due to spot checks from very large carriers. We’ve been able to provide proof that we’re operating compliantly and doing everything right. TrustedForm has helped strengthen our relationships with our carrier partners.

- QuoteVelocity

ActiveProspect provides a comprehensive TCPA Compliance Solution for online leads.

Find the Right TCPA Compliance Software

It’s not all bad news! There are TCPA compliance software solutions available to help you protect your company from litigation.

Make sure you’re investing in the right one, though. Compliance is multifaceted, so your solution needs to be, too.

Fraud Detection

Identify fraudulent site visitors so you can block those leads.

Consent Verification & Documentation

Verify and document proof of consent to avoid potential TCPA litigation.

TCPA Litigator Scrub

Check phone numbers against lists of known TCPA litigators.

Lead Matching

Verify whether the number and name match before you call.

Explore TrustedForm TCPA compliance solutions


TrustedForm    Meet buyer compliance requirements

TrustedForm    Improve lead quality to maximize value

TrustedForm    Get independent certification


TrustedForm    Address potential complaints quickly

TrustedForm    Understand the consumer experience

TrustedForm    Obtain documentation for compliance


TrustedForm    Optimize your lead buying strategy

TrustedForm    Focus on leads that show high intent

TrustedForm    Stop paying for unwanted leads

LeadConduit pulls it all together in a real-time, TCPA-Compliant lead flow

Use your choice of best-in-class services to create the ideal custom lead flow for your needs, all while following TCPA compliance guidelines.


Ready to make consent-based marketing your best channel for customer acquisition?

Fill out the form below to chat with an ActiveProspect expert today.


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