Acoustic Integration - ActiveProspect

Acoustic Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




Acoustic Website


Manage leads, increase conversions, and drive revenue through your marketing channel.

Add Contact

Adds one new contact to an existing Acoustic Campaign database.

Appended Fields

Acoustic will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome (success, failure, or error)
If outcome is error, the error reason
Recipient Id
ID of added or updated contacts
Organization Id
Identifies your add_contact Campaign Organization
Visitor Association
Indicates whether the specified visitor ID is valid and associated to a profile. This is optional


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

List Id
Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
The database ID.
Created From
Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
The value indicating how you are adding the contact to the system: Imported from a database (0), Added manually (1), Opted-in (2), Created from a tracking database (3)
Contact List Ids
An array of contact list Ids to which the contact will be added
Vistor Key
Specifies a visitor key to associate a contact with a previously unknown visitor when using the Web Tracking feature.
Sync Fields *
Required if the database has no Unique Identifier and UPDATE_IF_FOUND is set to true. Used to look up a contact in a database that has no Unique Identifier defined. Include a SYNC_FIELD element for each database column that defines a unique contact. Note: If more than one contact is found matching the lookup columns, the oldest contact will be updated. Sync fields will be ignored if the database has a key.
Columns *
XML nodes defining the column name and value for fields being added or updated. Note: Each node must have a Name tag and a Value tag. If the database has a key that is not Email, Unique key columns must also be part of the submission with column names and values.

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Acoustic Send AutoreplyEngage sends a confirmation when a contact is added to the database if the it has an associated auto-responder and the SEND_AUTOREPLY element is set to true.
Acoustic Update If FoundIf set to true, adding a contact with a duplicate key results in an update to their record. If the database has no Unique Identifier and UPDATE_IF_FOUND is set to true, adding a contact with duplicate SYNC_FIELDS results in an update to the record.
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)

Insert or Update to Relational Table

Inserts or updates Acoustic Campaign relational table data.

Appended Fields

Acoustic will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome (success, failure, or error)
If outcome is error, the error reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Table Id
Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
The ID of the Acoustic Campaign Table to update
Columns *
Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
Starting with 0, takes a number then a nested object to represent the columnns

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)

Dupe Query

Retrieves information about a contact in an Acoustic Campaign database.

Appended Fields

Acoustic will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome (success, failure, or error)
If outcome is error, the error reason
Email address for the contact
Recipient Id
Internal unique ID for each contact
Email Type
The value indicating the preferred email type for the contact: 0 (HTML), 1 (Text), or 2 (AOL).
Last Modified
Last time the contact record was modified
Created From
he value indicating how Acoustic Campaign added the contact to the system: 0 (Imported from a database), 1 (Manually added), 2 (Opted-in), or 3 (Created from a tracking database).
Opted In
Contact's opt-in date, if applicable
Opted Out
Contact's opt-out date, if applicable
Organization Id
Identifies your Acoustic Campaign organization
Contact List Ids
If the RETURN_CONTACT_LISTS is True in the request, this array is included in the response with a list_id string for each contact list the contact belongs.
Columns *
User created columns, with the name as a key and the corresponding value


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
Recipient email address
List Id
Required fieldAcoustic needs this data to function.
The ID of the database where the contact belongs. If you specify a contact list instead of a database, the system determines if the contact is in the contact list. It it is, the database columns return.

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Acoustic Return Contact ListsDetermines if all the contact lists a contact belongs should be returned. The valid values are True or False
Acoustic Column NameThis value is ignored for regular email key databases. However, it is required for databases with a key other than Email or no Unique Identifier. Specifies the field name of the unique key for a database.
Acoustic Column ValueThis value is ignored for regular email key databases. However, it is required for databases with a key other than Email or no Unique Identifier. Specifies the field value for the field name of the unique key for the database.
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)