Contact Center Compliance ( Integration - ActiveProspect

Contact Center Compliance ( Integration

DNC Scrub


Standard Transactional Pricing




DNCScrub leverages consumer contact information enabling better adherence to the TCPA and DNC regulations.

Appended Fields

Contact Center Compliance ( will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome (success, failure, or error)
If outcome is error or failure, the error reason(s)
Ebr Expiration Date
The date the Existing Business Relationship (EBR) expires.
National Dnc Details
National (Country) YYYY-MM-DD (Country is USA or CAN and YYYY-MM-DD is the date the phone number was added to the National database).
State Dnc Details
State (Abbrev) YYYY-MM-DD (the two letter state abbreviation and the date the phone number was added to the State database)
Tps Dnc Details
TPS DNC details
Wireless Details
This will be W if the number is Wireless
Phone Region
The 2-letter postal abbrev of the US state or territory or Canadian province corresponding to this phone number
Phone Country
The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code for the country corresponding to the number’s area code
Phone Rate Center
The geographic region (usually the city) served by the rate center associated with the area code and prefix of the phone number
Carrier Ocn
A four-character state or regional Operating Company Number (OCN)
Carrier Type
The type of carrier or service provider
Carrier Name
The company name of the carrier or service provider for this phone number
Phone Reassigned Area Code
The new 3-digit area code that should be used in place of the area code of the phone number
Phone Timezone Name
Phone Time Zone name
Phone Timezone Utc Offset Minutes
Time Zone UTC (GMT) Offset
Phone Observes Dst
Daylight Savings Times (DST) observance
Phone Weekday Calling Window
The calling window on Weekdays (Monday-Friday)
Phone Saturday Calling Window
The calling window on Saturdays
Phone Sunday Calling Window
The calling window on Sundays
Phone Current Utc Offset Minutes
A signed integer of the number of minutes to add to current UTC (GMT) time to obtain the current time at the phone number’s location
Phone Do Not Call Today
This is false on days where the state for the phone number has a holiday or a state of emergency declaration, otherwise it is true
Calling Restrictions Code
This indicates if there are any calling time restrictions at the time of the scrub for the phone number
Calling Restriction Details
The Meaning of the number returned as calling_restrictions_code
Ebr Type
Type of EBR: I (Inquiry), S (Sale), P (Permission), or blank (record is not an EBR)
Is Wireless Or Voip
True when phone number is wireless or VoIP and both Wireless and VoIP scrubbing options are enabled
Line Type
Line type: Wireless, VoIP, WirelessInNoWirelessState, or AllOther


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Phone 1
Required fieldContact Center Compliance ( needs this data to function.
The phone number to be scrubbed(Only US North American Numbering Plan phone numbers are supported), defaults to the lead's "Phone 1" field

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Login IdThe Login Id that provides API access to your DNCScrub account
Proj IdThe Project Id to scrub against the default Campaign of a specific DNCScrub Project
Campaign IdCampaign Id to scrub-in. If specified, proj_id may be omitted. If omitted and proj_id is specified, the default Campaign of proj_id will be assumed. If both are omitted, the Default Campaign of the Master Project
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)