Contact Center Compliance ( Integration
DNC Scrub
Standard Transactional Pricing
DNCScrub leverages consumer contact information enabling better adherence to the TCPA and DNC regulations.
Appended Fields
Contact Center Compliance ( will append the following data to your lead.
Appended Field | Description |
Outcome | Integration outcome (success, failure, or error) |
Reason | If outcome is error or failure, the error reason(s) |
Ebr Expiration Date | The date the Existing Business Relationship (EBR) expires. |
National Dnc Details | National (Country) YYYY-MM-DD (Country is USA or CAN and YYYY-MM-DD is the date the phone number was added to the National database). |
State Dnc Details | State (Abbrev) YYYY-MM-DD (the two letter state abbreviation and the date the phone number was added to the State database) |
Tps Dnc Details | TPS DNC details |
Wireless Details | This will be W if the number is Wireless |
Phone Region | The 2-letter postal abbrev of the US state or territory or Canadian province corresponding to this phone number |
Phone Country | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code for the country corresponding to the number’s area code |
Phone Rate Center | The geographic region (usually the city) served by the rate center associated with the area code and prefix of the phone number |
Carrier Ocn | A four-character state or regional Operating Company Number (OCN) |
Carrier Type | The type of carrier or service provider |
Carrier Name | The company name of the carrier or service provider for this phone number |
Phone Reassigned Area Code | The new 3-digit area code that should be used in place of the area code of the phone number |
Phone Timezone Name | Phone Time Zone name |
Phone Timezone Utc Offset Minutes | Time Zone UTC (GMT) Offset |
Phone Observes Dst | Daylight Savings Times (DST) observance |
Phone Weekday Calling Window | The calling window on Weekdays (Monday-Friday) |
Phone Saturday Calling Window | The calling window on Saturdays |
Phone Sunday Calling Window | The calling window on Sundays |
Phone Current Utc Offset Minutes | A signed integer of the number of minutes to add to current UTC (GMT) time to obtain the current time at the phone number’s location |
Phone Do Not Call Today | This is false on days where the state for the phone number has a holiday or a state of emergency declaration, otherwise it is true |
Calling Restrictions Code | This indicates if there are any calling time restrictions at the time of the scrub for the phone number |
Calling Restriction Details | The Meaning of the number returned as calling_restrictions_code |
Ebr Type | Type of EBR: I (Inquiry), S (Sale), P (Permission), or blank (record is not an EBR) |
Is Wireless Or Voip | True when phone number is wireless or VoIP and both Wireless and VoIP scrubbing options are enabled |
Line Type | Line type: Wireless, VoIP, WirelessInNoWirelessState, or AllOther |
The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.
Field | Description |
Phone 1 Required fieldContact Center Compliance ( needs this data to function. | The phone number to be scrubbed(Only US North American Numbering Plan phone numbers are supported), defaults to the lead's "Phone 1" field |
Custom Input Variables
The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).
Variable | Description |
Login Id | The Login Id that provides API access to your DNCScrub account |
Proj Id | The Project Id to scrub against the default Campaign of a specific DNCScrub Project |
Campaign Id | Campaign Id to scrub-in. If specified, proj_id may be omitted. If omitted and proj_id is specified, the default Campaign of proj_id will be assumed. If both are omitted, the Default Campaign of the Master Project |
Timeout Seconds | Produce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360) |