Jornaya Integration - ActiveProspect

Jornaya Integration

3rd Party TCPA Guardian


Standard Transactional Pricing




Jornaya’s 3rd Party TCPA Guardian helps you avoid risk by knowing you’ve received the customer’s consent before calling or texting.

Appended Fields

Jornaya will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome
If outcome is error, the error reason
Lead Provider Code
Jornaya Lead Provider Code ("lpc") from the initial request
True if LeadiD is authentic
Lead Age
Age of lead as a number of seconds
Age of lead as a range code (0: less than 5 minutes old, 1: 5-30 minutes, 2: 30-60 minutes, 3: 1-4 hours, 4: 4-12 hours, 5: 12-24 hours, 6: 1-2 days, 7: 2 days - 1 week, 8: 1 week – 1 month, 9: 1 month – 1 year, 10: greater than 1 year)
Lead Duration
Time the consumer was on the form as a number of seconds
Time the consumer was on the form as a range code (0: unknown, 1: consumer spent less than 5 seconds on the form, 2: 5-30 seconds, 3: 30-60 seconds, 4: 1-5 minutes, 5: 5-30 minutes, 6: 30-60 minutes, 7: greater than 1 hour)
Data Integrity
Data integrity rating code (0: mismatch, 1: match, 2: mismatch with disclosure, 3: default value)
The disclosure text the generator has given
Data Integrity Failed
List of data submitted that failed data integrity
Data Integrity Passed
List of data submitted that passed data integrity
Data Integrity Default
List of data submitted that was the default values
Url Value
True if any URLS were matched in your URL flag list
Entity Value
True if any entities were matched in your entity flag list
Call Center
True if information was entered by a 3rd party
Device Undefined
True if the device id was not found
Device Five Minutes
Number of leads from this device in the past 5 minutes
Device Hour
Number of leads from this device in the past hour
Device Twelve Hours
Number of leads from this device in the past 12 hours
Device Day
Number of leads from this device in the past day
Device Week
Number of leads from this device in the past week
Ip Five Minutes
Number of leads from this IP in the past 5 minutes
Ip Hour
Number of leads from this IP in the past hour
Ip Twelve Hours
Number of leads from this IP in the past 12 hours
Ip Day
Number of leads from this IP in the past day
Ip Week
Number of leads from this IP in the past week
Lead Five Minutes
Number of leads from this LeadiD in the past 5 minutes
Lead Hour
Number of leads from this LeadiD in the past hour
Lead Twelve Hours
Number of leads from this LeadiD in the past 12 hours
Lead Day
Number of leads from this LeadiD in the past day
Lead Week
Number of leads from this LeadiD in the past week
Consumer Five Minutes
Number of leads from this Consumer in the past 5 minutes
Consumer Hour
Number of leads from this Consumer in the past hour
Consumer Twelve Hours
Number of leads from this Consumer in the past 12 hours
Consumer Day
Number of leads from this Consumer in the past day
Consumer Week
Number of leads from this Consumer in the past week
Total Entities
Total number entities who we know have received this lead (besides you)
Total Hops
Total number of hops a lead took between the generator and you
Lead Dupe Check
Duplicate check time as a range code (0: consumer # has not been seen before, 1: seen in last 0-7 days, 2: seen in last 7-14 days, 3: seen in last 14-30 days, 4: seen in last 30-60 days, 5: seen in last 60-90 days, 6: seen in last 3-4 months, 7: seen in last 4-5 months, 8: seen in last 5-6 months, 9: seen in last 6-9 months, 10: seen over 9 months ago)
Consumer Dupe Check
Duplicate check time as a range code (0: consumer # has not been seen before, 1: seen in last 0-7 days, 2: seen in last 7-14 days, 3: seen in last 14-30 days, 4: seen in last 30-60 days, 5: seen in last 60-90 days, 6: seen in last 3-4 months, 7: seen in last 4-5 months, 8: seen in last 5-6 months, 9: seen in last 6-9 months, 10: seen over 9 months ago)
Lead Dupe
True if LeadiD has previously been audited by the same party
Lead Dupe Time
The timestamp when the LeadiD was previously received
Lead Dupe Provider
Entity code of the provider who previously provided the LeadiD being audited
Overall rule value returned as per flag settings in the LeadiD portal
Reg Rule
Returned flags for the Authenticity rule check
Age Rule
Returned flags for the Age rule check
Duration Rule
Returned flags for the Lead Duration rule check
Data Integrity Rule
Returned flags for the Data Integrity rule check
Url Rule
Returned flags for the URL Flag rule check
Entity Rule
Returned flags for the Entity Flag rule check
Content Not Available Rule
Returned flags for the Content Not Available rule check
Call Center Rule
Returned flags for the Call Center rule check
Device Undefined Rule
Flag for if device ID could not be found
Device Five Minutes Rule
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Device Hour Rule
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past hour
Device Twelve Hours Rule
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Device Day Rule
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past day
Device Week Rule
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past week
Ip Five Minutes Rule
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Ip Hour Rule
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past hour
Ip Twelve Hours Rule
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Ip Day Rule
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past day
Ip Week Rule
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past week
Lead Five Minutes Rule
Flag for if sold too many times in the past 5 minutes
Lead Hour Rule
Flag for if sold too many times in the past hour
Lead Twelve Hours Rule
Flag for if sold too many times in the past 12 hours
Lead Day Rule
Flag for if sold too many times in the past day
Lead Week Rule
Flag for if sold too many times in the past week
Consumer Five Minutes Rule
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Consumer Hour Rule
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past hour
Consumer Twelve Hours Rule
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Consumer Day Rule
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past day
Consumer Week Rule
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past week
Total Entities Rule
Flag for if lead has been seen by too many entities
Total Hops Rule
Flag for if lead took too many hops between the generator and you
Consumer Dupe Check Rule
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Lead Dupe Check Rule
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Lead Dupe Rule
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Data Integrity Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Data Integrity Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Url Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Url Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Entity Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Entity Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Content Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Content Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Device Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Device Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Ip Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Ip Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Lead Velocity Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Lead Velocity Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Consumer Velocity Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Consumer Velocity Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Total Entities Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Total Entities Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Total Hops Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Total Hops Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Lead Dupe Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Lead Dupe Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Consumer Dupe Blocked
True if category was blocked by the creator
Consumer Dupe Blocked Rule
Returned flag for blocking this category
Jornaya Token
TCPA disclosures captured (0: no matches, 1: one match, 2: multiple matches (1st-party), or a disclosure does not match(3rd-party))
Disclosure Rule
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure
TCPA visual playback captured (0: not captured, 1: captured, 2: partially captured)
Capture Rule
Returned flag for TCPA visual playback capture
TCPA visual playback stored
Stored Rule
Returned flag for TCPA visual playback stored
Returned flag for overall TCPA rule
TCPA consent captured (0: none required, 1: active consent, 2: passive consent, 3: passive decline, 4: active decline)
Consent Rule
Returned flag for TCPA consent
TCPA consent type (0: none required, 1: checkbox, 2: radio button, 3: yes/no dropdown)
Type Rule
Returned flag for TCPA type
TCPA disclosure prominence (0: font size unknown, 1: at least 16px, 2: 6px - 15px, 3: less than 6px, 4: not visible)
Prominence Rule
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure prominence
Prominence Value
Calculated score for TCPA disclosure prominence (0-100)
TCPA disclosure contrast (0: font color contrast unknown, 1: at least 50%, 2: at least 25%, 3: less than 25%, 4: not visible)
Contrast Rule
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure contrast
Contrast Value
Calculated score for TCPA disclosure contrast (0-100)
TCPA disclosure overall visibility (0: unknown, 1: high, 2: reasonable, 3: low, 4: not visible)
Visibility Rule
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure visibility
Visibility Value
Calculated score for TCPA disclosure visibility (0-100)
Number of audits by advertisers in the past five minutes
LeadplusFiveMinutes Rule
Returned flag for number of audits in the past five minutes
Number of audits by advertisers in the past hour
LeadplusHour Rule
Returned flag for number of audits in the past hour
Number of audits by advertisers in the past twelve hours
LeadplusTwelveHours Rule
Returned flag for number of audits in the past twelve hours
Number of audits by advertisers in the past day
LeadplusDay Rule
Returned flag for number of audits in the past day
Number of audits by advertisers in the past week
LeadplusWeek Rule
Returned flag for number of audits in the past week
Whether or not the time since first advertiser audit is not available
LeadplusTimeFirstNotAvailable Rule
Returned flag for if the time since first advertiser audit is not available
Whether or not the time since last advertiser audit is not available
LeadplusTimeLastNotAvailable Rule
Returned flag for if the time since last advertiser audit is not available
Returned flag for overall audits
LeadID result
LeadID labs result
Result Value
Overall rule value returned as per flag settings in the LeadiD portal
Result Value
Returned flag for overall TCPA rule
Result Value
Returned flag for overall audits
Result Value
LeadID result
Result Value
LeadID labs result
Reg Rule Value
Returned flags for the Authenticity rule check
Age Rule Value
Returned flags for the Age rule check
Duration Rule Value
Returned flags for the Lead Duration rule check
Data Integrity Rule Value
Returned flags for the Data Integrity rule check
Url Rule Value
Returned flags for the URL Flag rule check
Entity Rule Value
Returned flags for the Entity Flag rule check
Content Not Available Rule Value
Returned flags for the Content Not Available rule check
Call Center Rule Value
Returned flags for the Call Center rule check
Device Undefined Rule Value
Flag for if device ID could not be found
Device Five Minutes Rule Value
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Device Hour Rule Value
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past hour
Device Twelve Hours Rule Value
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Device Day Rule Value
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past day
Device Week Rule Value
Flag for if consumer device created too many leads in the past week
Ip Five Minutes Rule Value
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Ip Hour Rule Value
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past hour
Ip Twelve Hours Rule Value
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Ip Day Rule Value
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past day
Ip Week Rule Value
Flag for if consumer IP created too many leads in the past week
Lead Five Minutes Rule Value
Flag for if sold too many times in the past 5 minutes
Lead Hour Rule Value
Flag for if sold too many times in the past hour
Lead Twelve Hours Rule Value
Flag for if sold too many times in the past 12 hours
Lead Day Rule Value
Flag for if sold too many times in the past day
Lead Week Rule Value
Flag for if sold too many times in the past week
Consumer Five Minutes Rule Value
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past 5 minutes
Consumer Hour Rule Value
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past hour
Consumer Twelve Hours Rule Value
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past 12 hours
Consumer Day Rule Value
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past day
Consumer Week Rule Value
Flag for if consumer created too many leads in the past week
Total Entities Rule Value
Flag for if lead has been seen by too many entities
Total Hops Rule Value
Flag for if lead took too many hops between the generator and you
Consumer Dupe Check Rule Value
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Lead Dupe Check Rule Value
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Lead Dupe Rule Value
Flag return for rules set on duplicate LeadiD
Data Integrity Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Url Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Entity Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Content Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Device Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Ip Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Lead Velocity Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Consumer Velocity Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Total Entities Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Total Hops Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Lead Dupe Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Consumer Dupe Blocked Rule Value
Returned flag for blocking this category
Disclosure Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure
Capture Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA visual playback capture
Stored Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA visual playback stored
Consent Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA consent
Type Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA type
Prominence Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure prominence
Contrast Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure contrast
Visibility Rule Value
Returned flag for TCPA disclosure visibility
LeadplusFiveMinutes Rule Value
Returned flag for number of audits in the past five minutes
LeadplusHour Rule Value
Returned flag for number of audits in the past hour
LeadplusTwelveHours Rule Value
Returned flag for number of audits in the past twelve hours
LeadplusDay Rule Value
Returned flag for number of audits in the past day
LeadplusWeek Rule Value
Returned flag for number of audits in the past week
LeadplusTimeFirstNotAvailable Rule Value
Returned flag for if the time since first advertiser audit is not available
LeadplusTimeLastNotAvailable Rule Value
Returned flag for if the time since last advertiser audit is not available
Age Value
Raw value of the age variable, which represents the age of the lead as a range code
Duration Value
Raw value of the duration variable, which represents the time the consumer was on the form
Lead Dupe Check Value
Raw value of the lead_dupe_check variable, which represents duplicate check time as a range variable
Consumer Dupe Check Value
Raw value of the consumer_dupe_check, which represents duplicate check time as a range code


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Id Id
Jornaya universal lead id
Universal Id
Jornaya universal lead id
Address 1
Address 1
Address 2
Address 2
First Name
First name
Last Name
Last name
Phone 1
Phone 1
Phone 2
Phone 2
Phone 3
Phone 3
Postal Code
Postal code
Credit Rating
The consumer's estimated credit rating
Loan Type
Type of loan
Loan Amount
Loan amount
Mortgage Loan Type
The purpose of the loan being applied for
Mortgage Loan Amount
Amount of loan required
Mortgage Property Type
Property type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property Address
Street address where the property is located
Mortgage Property City
City where the property is located
Mortgage Property State
State where the property is located
Mortgage Property Postal Code
Postal code where the property is located
Mortgage Property Use
What the property is used for

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Jornaya Account CodeJornaya Account Code ("lac")
Jornaya Agency CodeJornaya Agency Code ("agency")
Jornaya Audit KeyJornaya Audit Key ("lak")
Jornaya Lead Provider CodeJornaya Lead Provider Code ("lpc")
Jornaya TestJornaya test flag (set to 1 for test mode)
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)