LeadPoint Integration - ActiveProspect

LeadPoint Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




LeadPoint Website


LeadPoint is a B2B exchange for data and voice leads in verticals including: consumer lending, consumer credit, and education.


Use the LeadPoint inbound integration to easily pass leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The lead identifier that the source should reference
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason
Lead Id
The lead ID returned by Velocify
Ref Id
Reference value provided by Velocify


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Phone 2Phone 2 (work)
Address 1Address 1
Address 2Address 2
Postal CodePostal code
ReferenceLeadPoint lead ID
Ip AddressIP address
PriceThe cost the vendor paid for the lead
Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Employment StatusEmployment_status: employed, self_emp, retired, unemployed
Monthly SalaryMonthly salary based on yearly income
Time To ContactPreferred time to call
Campaign IdCampaign ID
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL of this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Leadid IdJornaya universal lead ID
Opt InWhether or not the user opted-in
Is MilitaryHave the buyer or their spouse been an active member of the US armed forces
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy was declared at some point in the past
Mortgage Bankruptcy Discharged Months AgoNumber of months ago that bankruptcy was discharged
Mortgage Application Created AtTime application was filed
Mortgage Application Timeframe DaysTimeframe to close in days
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorIs buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Application Monthly Debt PaymentMinimum monthly debt payment
Mortgage Application Late PaymentsNumber of mortage late payments
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan PurposePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan TermNumber of years in term
Mortgage Loan AmortizationLoan amortization type: adjustable, fixed, or other
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Loan Cash OutHow much additional cash do you wish to borrow?
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property UseProperty use: primary, vacation or investment
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property Postal CodePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property Square FeetSquare footage of the property
Mortgage Property BedroomsNumber of bedrooms in the property
Mortgage Property BathroomsNumber of bathrooms in the property
Mortgage Property UrlURL listing for the property
Mortgage Existing Property ValueEstimated home value
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceFirst mortgage balance
Mortgage Second Mortgage BalanceSecond mortgage balance
Mortgage First Mortgage RateFirst mortgage interest rate
Mortgage Second Mortgage RateSecond mortgage interest rate


Use the LeadPoint PostBack integration to easily return leads to LeadPoint.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
Was the return successful?
If the return was not successful, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Leadpoint Member IdLeadPoint Member ID
Leadpoint AidLeadPoint AID
Leadpoint FeedbackLeadPoint Feedback Code. Possible values: "Duplicate", "Disconnected phone", "Wrong number", "Unable to contact", "Interested", "Changed mind", "Never applied", "Wrong product", "False marketing", "DNC", "Chosen provider", "Spam", "Completed application", "Converted customer", "Old lead", "Does not qualify
ReferenceLeadPoint Lead Id
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)