SolarNexus Integration - ActiveProspect

SolarNexus Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




SolarNexus Website


SolarNexus helps contractors automate and process a high volume of projects in the residential & small commercial sectors.

Appended Fields

SolarNexus will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Was lead inserted?
Error reason
Project Name
Attributes *
There are many possible attribute values. These are found on the "job" screen. They include many SolarNexus defined fields and MAY include custom fields. Field IDs for custom fields are configured within SolarNexus through


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First Name
Required fieldSolarNexus needs this data to function.
First name of contact
Last Name
Required fieldSolarNexus needs this data to function.
Last name of contact
Primary email address of contact. Not strictly required, but each contact must have a phone number OR email.
Phone 1
Primary phone number of contact. Not strictly required, but each contact must have a phone number OR email.
Company Name
Participant Organization: If this participant is a business or government, use this field for its name.
Title of contact. Example: "Dr."
Phone 2
Secondary phone number of contact.
Phone 3
Tertiary phone number of contact.
Time To Contact
Best time of day to reach, free text.
Use for any descriptions about the prospective job site. Example: "A little shade."
Project Site Location City
Address 1
Project Site Location Street1
Postal Code
Project Site Location Zip: "95833"
Project Site Location Country: 2 letter ISO code, defaults to "US"
Project Site Location State
Utility Electric Company Name
Name of electric company. Added utility_name or note to project.utility_services for "electricity". Will not overwrite.
Utility Electric Monthly Amount
The monthly electric bill. Added note to project.utility_services for "electricity". Will not overwrite.

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Project Job Process IdUse the client's Standard Project Process for a project lead.
Project Lead Source IdFound in client's Lead and Project Data administration. Use the value corresponding to the source of this lead.
Project NameIf not provided, SolarNexus will auto generate a name. Name format for an "individual" customer case is "last_name, first_name Project"
Project DescriptionProject description
Project Application Reference IdsID of the lead or job in a corresponding software application. May be helpful for troubleshooting. Array<{application_reference_id: {id: string, source: string}}>
Project Sales Owner IdCan be used to assign the lead directly to a given SolarNexus user or workgroup. If left out, new lead remains unassigned when posted, but may be automatically assigned by SolarNexus.
Project Sales Owner TypeSale Owner Type: "user" or "workgroup"
Project Participant TypeProject Participant Type."individual", "government", "business": Default is "individual"
Project Participant Tax EntityUse "individual" for "individual" type, and "tax exempt" for "government" type. "business" type can be "corporation", "sole proprietor", "llc (corporation)", "llc (non-corporation)", and "partnership". Default is "individual"
Project Participant RolesRoles assigned to participant aside from "Customer", which will be added by default. Example: ["Host Customer","PV System Owner","Occupant"]
Project Participant Contact Secondary EmailSecondary email address of contact.
Project Participant Mailing Address CityContact Mailing Address City
Project Participant Mailing Address Street1Contact Mailing Address Street1. Example: "7848 Hillandale Dr"
Project Participant Mailing Address ZipContact Mailing Address Zip. Example: "92120"
Project Participant Mailing Address CountryContact Mailing Address Country: 2 letter ISO code, defaults to "US"
Project Participant Mailing Address StateContact Mailing Address State
Project Referrer IdThis is the ID of an existing participant in SolarNexus (an existing customer or other party in the client's DB)
Project Site SectorMust be "commercial" or "residential": defaults to "residential"
Project Site Construction TypeMust be "new construction" or "retrofit": defaults to "retrofit"
Project Attributes There are many possible attribute values. These are found on the "job" screen. They include many SolarNexus defined fields and MAY include custom fields. Field IDs for custom fields are configured within SolarNexus through
Project Related Job IdFor work orders only, ID of the originating project
Project Utility ServicesArray<{utility_service: {energy: ("electricity"|"natural gas"|"heating oil"|"propane"), utility_name: string, notes: string, energy_use: ({monthly_avg: number}|{jan: number, feb: number, ...}), energy_costs: ({monthly_avg: number}|{jan: number, feb: number, ...})}}>
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)