Zillow Integration - ActiveProspect

Zillow Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




Zillow Website


Engage with millions of home shoppers on the largest real estate network on the Web and get high quality leads in your local market.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The lead identifier that the source should reference
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameThe sender's first name
Last NameThe sender's last name
EmailThe sender's email address
Phone 1The sender's phone number
Credit ScoreThe borrower's self-reported credit score range
Employment StatusThe borrower's employment status
PriceThe price charged for the contact
ProductThe type of the contact, 'simple', 'quote', 'longForm', or 'propertyPreapproval'
ReferenceThe Zillow contact ID
CommentsA free-form message from the sender to the lender
Is Self EmployedWhether the borrower is self-employed
Is MilitaryDoes the buyer have current or previous military service?
Military BranchThe branch of the military one serves/served in
Loan Timeframe DaysThe borrower's estimated days until closing
Loan Total AssetsThe borrower's total assets
Mortgage Annual IncomeThe borrower's annual income. If there is a co-borrower, this value represents the total of both borrower's annual incomes
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceThe current mortgage balance
Mortgage Is First Time BuyerWhether the borrower is a first-tyime buyer
Mortgage Has CoborrowerWhether there is a co-borrower
Mortgage Has Second MortgageWhether the borrower or co-borrower is self-employed
Mortgage Application Created AtThe date and time the contact was created
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorWhether the borrower is working with a real-estate agent
Mortgage Application Monthly Debt PaymentThe borrower's monthly debts. If there is a coborrower, this value represents the total of both borrowers' monthly debts
Mortgage Application Realtor NameThe real-estate agent's full name
Mortgage Application Realtor PhoneThe real-estate agent's phone number
Mortgage Application Realtor EmailThe real-estate agent's email address
Mortgage Application Realtor Company NameThe business name of the real-estate agent, associated with the contact
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredWhether the borrower or co-borrower has declared bankruptcy in the last 7 years
Mortgage Coborrower First NameThe co-borrower's first name
Mortgage Coborrower Last NameThe co-borrower's last name
Mortgage Loan AmortizationLoan programs which the borrower is interested in
Mortgage Loan AmountThe desired loan amount
Mortgage Loan Annual Mortgage Insurance PremiumThe annual mortgage insurance premium, as a percentage
Mortgage Loan AprThe annual percentage rate of the loan that was shown to the borrower
Mortgage Loan Arm TypeThe ARM index type
Mortgage Loan Cash OutThe amount that the borrower wants to take out as part of a refinance
Mortgage Loan Current Backer Must Be FannieWhether the loan requires that the borrower's current loan is backed by Fannie Mae
Mortgage Loan Current Backer Must Be FreddieWhether the loan requires that the borrower's current loan is backed by Freddie Mac
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentThe down payment amount
Mortgage Loan Due In MonthsThe number of months until the loan is due
Mortgage Loan FeesHUD and other fees associated with the loan
Mortgage Loan Fha Annual Premium PercentThe annual insurance premium, as a percentage
Mortgage Loan Fha Upfront Premium PercentThe annual insurance premium, as a percentage
Mortgage Loan Fixed Rate Period In MonthsThe number of months until the rate becomes adjustable
Mortgage Loan Initial CapThe initial adjustment cap
Mortgage Loan Interest Only In MonthsThe number of months that the loan is interest-only
Mortgage Loan Is Insurance Lender PaidWhether the lender will pay the mortgage insurance on the loan
Mortgage Loan Is Jumbo
Mortgage Loan Lifetime CapThe lifetime adjustment cap
Mortgage Loan Lock In DaysThe number of days that the lender assumes the rate will be locked for
Mortgage Loan LtvThe borrower's loan-to-value ratio
Mortgage Loan MarginThe ARM quote margin
Mortgage Loan Monthly Mortgage InsuranceThe amount of monthly mortgage insurance that was shown to the borrower
Mortgage Loan Monthly Principle And InterestThe amount of the monthly principal and interest that was shown to the borrower
Mortgage Loan Periodic CapThe periodic adjustment cap
Mortgage Loan PurposeThe purpose of the loan
Mortgage Loan Rate Adjustment Period In MonthsThe interval between rate adjustments
Mortgage Loan Term In MonthsThe number of months in the term of the loan
Mortgage Loan Va Funding Fee PercentThe VA funding fee
Mortgage Foreclosure Was FiledWhether the borrower or co-borrower has had a foreclosure in the last 7 years
Mortgage Property AddressThe address of the property
Mortgage Property CityThe name of the city where the property is located
Mortgage Property StateThe state where the property is located
Mortgage Property TypeThe property type
Mortgage Property UseThe property use, 'Primary', 'SecondaryOrVacation', or 'InvestmentOrRental'
Mortgage Property Postal CodeThe postal code where the property is located
Mortgage Property PriceThe property value
Mortgage Quote Interest RateThe interest rate of the loan, as a percentage
Mortgage Quote PointsThe number of points that was shown to the borrower
Zillow Accepts Prepayment PenaltyWhether the borrower is willing to accept a loan with a pre-payment penalty
Zillow Current Backer
Zillow Debt To Income PercentThe borrower's debt-to-income ratio
Zillow Fees Rolled Into Loan AmountThe amount of upfront fees that the borrower will probably choose to roll into the loan amount
Zillow Is Fha Streamline EligibleWhether the borrower is eligible for an FHA Streamline loan
Zillow Has Prepayment PenaltyWhether the loan has a prepayment penalty
Zillow Is HarpWhether the loan is a HARP loan
Zillow Is Harp EligibleWhether the borrower is eligible for a HARP refinance loan
Zillow Is New ConstructionWhether the property is new construction
Zillow Lender CreditThe lender credit amount associated with the loan
Zillow Lender Credit PercentThe lender credit amount associated with the loan as a percentage
Zillow Lender EmailThe lender's email address
Zillow Lender First NameThe lender's first name
Zillow Lender IdThe lender's Zillow user id
Zillow Lender Last NameThe lender's last name
Zillow Lender Nmls LicenseThe lender's NMLS license
Zillow Lender PhoneThe lender's phone number
Zillow Max Allowed LtvThe maximum loan-to-value percentage allowed
Zillow Partner UidThe Zillow user ID of the real-estate agent associated with the contact
Zillow Preapproval Letter IdThe preapproval letter ID for the preapproval letter that was issued for this contact
Zillow Quote AprThe annual percentage rate of the loan
Zillow Quote IdThe Zillow ID of the loan quote associated with this contact
Zillow Request IdThe Zillow ID of the loan request associated with this contact
Zillow SourceThe source provided by Zillow
Zillow Upfront CostThe upfront cost of the loan that was shown to the borrower
Zillow Is Va First TimeWhether the borrower is a first-time VA loan user
Zillow Is Fha StreamlineWhether the quote is for an FHA Streamline loan
Zillow Original Contact TimeOriginal contact time for the lead
Zillow Preferred Contact TimeOriginal contact time for the lead