LendingTree Integration - ActiveProspect

LendingTree Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




LendingTree Website


LendingTree provides consumers multiple offers from several lenders in a matter of minutes, making comparison shopping easy.

Loan Explorer

Use the LendingTree Loan Explorer inbound integration to easily pass loan explorer into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Credit ScoreThe estimated credit score of the consumer
EmailEmail address
First NameFirst name
Is MilitaryDoes the buyer have current or previous military service?
Last NameLast name
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
ReferenceExternal lead identifier or URL
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Leadid IdLeadiD identifier
Mortgage Bankruptcy Discharged Months AgoThe time since the consumer’s last bankruptcy discharge occurred
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's current mortgage
Mortgage First Mortgage Monthly PaymentThe current monthly mortgage payment on the property
Mortgage First Mortgage Is VaWhether the consumer's current loan is from the VA
Mortgage First Mortgage RateInterest rate currently paying on first mortgage
Mortgage First Mortgage YearThe origination year of the loan on the property
Mortgage First Mortgage OwnerThe current loan owner on the property
Mortgage New Property ValueValue of property being applied for
Mortgage Second Mortgage BalanceThe dollar amount of a second lien on the property
Mortgage Foreclosure Discharged Months AgoThe time since the consumer’s last mortgage discharge occurred
Mortgage Loan AmortizationAmortization type
Mortgage Loan AmountThe loan amount for this offer
Mortgage Loan Annual Mortgage Insurance PremiumThe percentage amount of the annual mortgage insurance premium
Mortgage Loan AprThe annual percentage rate of the loan
Mortgage Loan Appraisal FeeAny additional or separate charge for the appraisal
Mortgage Loan Arm TypeValue of property being applied for
Mortgage Loan Assumption FeeThe loan assumption fees
Mortgage Loan Cash OutThe additional cash-out dollar amount requested by consumer
Mortgage Loan Credit AmountAmount of credit returned to borrower at closing
Mortgage Loan Credit DescriptionA description of any fee credits to the borrower
Mortgage Loan Credit Report FeeThe cost of the credit report
Mortgage Loan Current Backer Must Be FannieWhether the loan requires that the borrower's current loan is backed by Fannie Mae
Mortgage Loan Current Backer Must Be FreddieWhether the loan requires that the borrower's current loan is backed by Freddie Mac
Mortgage Loan DiscountThe loan discount or points applied by the Lender
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentA decimal indicating a dollar amount or percentage for down payment
Mortgage Loan Due In MonthsThe number of months before the note is due
Mortgage Loan Fha Annual Premium PercentThe percentage amount of the annual FHA mortgage insurance premium
Mortgage Loan Fha Upfront Premium PercentThe percentage amount of the upfront FHA mortgage insurance premium
Mortgage Loan Fixed Rate Period In MonthsNumber of months the rate will remain fixed before the first change
Mortgage Loan Insurance FeeThe application fee required by a private mortgage insurance company
Mortgage Loan Is Appraisal Fee In AprIs the appraisal fee included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Is Assumption Fee In AprIs the loan assumption fee included in the APR
Mortgage Loan Is Credit Report Fee In AprIs the credit report fee included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Is Discount In AprIs the loan discount included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Is FhaWhether the loan is an FHA loan
Mortgage Loan Is Inspection Fee In AprIs the inspection fee included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Is Insurance Fee In AprIs the application fee included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Is Insurance Lender PaidWhether mortgage insurance is rolled into the rate
Mortgage Loan Is Interest OnlyWhether the borrower pays only the interest on the principal balance, with the balance unchanged, for a set term
Mortgage Loan Is Origination Fee In AprIs the origination fee included in the APR?
Mortgage Loan Initial CapTThe maximum percentage that the loan rate may change after the initial period
Mortgage Loan Inspection FeeCharges for required inspections
Mortgage Loan Interest Only In MonthsThe number of months the loan will remain as interest only
Mortgage Loan Interest RateThe interest rate of the loan.
Mortgage Loan Is JumboWhether the loan is above conventional conforming loan limits
Mortgage Loan Is VaWhether the loan is a VA loan.
Mortgage Loan Lifetime CapThe maximum rate that may be charged at any point throughout the lifetime of the loan, expressed as a percentage increase from the initial interest rate
Mortgage Loan Lock In DaysLock term in days
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio
Mortgage Loan MarginThe margin of the loan
Mortgage Loan Monthly Principle And InterestA dollar amount for monthly payment of principal and interest
Mortgage Loan Monthly Mortgage InsuranceA dollar amount for monthly payment of mortgage insurance
Mortgage Loan Origination FeePercentage of the loan, or dollar amount charged by the Lender for processing or originating the loan
Mortgage Loan Periodic CapThe maximum percentage that the loan rate may change each period
Mortgage Loan PointsThe number of points in the offer
Mortgage Loan Rate Adjustment Period In MonthsNumber of months between rate adjustments
Mortgage Loan Term In MonthsThe loan term in months
Mortgage Loan TypeType of loan being applied for
Mortgage Loan Va Funding Fee PercentThe percentage amount of the VA funding fee
Mortgage Property Postal CodePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property PricePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property TypeSingle family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property UseWhat the property is used for
Lendingtree Applicant IdUniquely identifies the quote request
Lendingtree Down Payment TypeEither Percentage or DollarAmount
Lendingtree Quote Request IdLendingtree quote request id
Lendingtree Request Assignment DateDate this lead was matched or referred to partner
Lendingtree Promotional ProgramThe name of the loan program returned in the quote response
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body

Business Loans

Use the LendingTree Business Loans inbound integration to easily pass business loan leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Is TestWhether or not this is a test lead
Lendingtree Business Loan Request IdLendingTree Unique ID commonly referred to as a QF or QFormName.
Lendingtree Business Loan Request DateDate loan was requested
Lendingtree Business Loan Filter IdPartner account information as set in Canopy Portal
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body
Company NameCompany name
Company PhoneCompany phone number
Company StateCompany's state
Company CityCompany's city
Company Postal CodeCompany's postal code
Company Months In BusinessNumber of months the lead's company has been in business
Company Has Been ProfitableHas the company made a profit?
Company Bankruptcy Was DeclaredHas the company bankrupted in the last 7 years?
Company Annual SalesAnnual revenue of the lead's company
First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
Phone 1Phone 1
SsnSocial security number
Credit RatingThe business owner's estimated credit rating
Loan AmountLoan Amount


Use the LendingTree Mortgage inbound integration to easily pass mortgage leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Phone 2Phone 2 (work)
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
ReferenceLendingTree application ID
Time To ContactBest time to contact applicant
DobDate of birth
SsnApplicant social security number
Campaign IdFilter Routing ID
Monthly SalaryMonthly salary
Residence TypeCurrent residence information
Employment StatusEmployment status
Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Credit ScoreCredit value assigned by partner.
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Leadid IdLeadiD identifier
Is MilitaryDoes buyer have current or previous military service?
Timeframe DaysTime until loan is funded in days
Company NameName of employer
Loan Is Existing CustomerIndicator of whether the Customer has is part/present working with the Lender for a different product or service
Mortgage New Property ValueValue of property being applied for
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's first mortgage
Mortgage Second Mortgage BalanceBalance of second mortgage
Mortgage Application Is Home FoundHas buyer found a home?
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorIs buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Property PriceProperty price
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property UseProperty use: primary, vacation or investment
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property CityCity where property is located
Mortgage Property Postal CodePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property CountyCounty where property is located
Mortgage Property MsaMarketing Statistical Area where property is located
Mortgage Property Purchase YearProperty purcahse year
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan Cash OutAmount of cash out from loan
Mortgage Loan PurposePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan TermNumber of years in term
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Bankruptcy Discharged Months AgoNumber of months ago bankruptcy discharged
Mortgage Foreclosure Was FiledForeclosure filed in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Foreclosure Filed Months AgoNumber of months ago foreclosure filed?
Lendingtree ProductProduct
Lendingtree Filter NameLendingTree filter name
Lendingtree Filter Routing IdID of application filter routing class
Lendingtree OptionHome improvement category selected by consumer
Lendingtree Loan ReasonReason for loan request
Lendingtree Present LtvPresent Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Combined LtvPresent Combined Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Proposed LtvLoan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Proposed Combined LtvCombined Loan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Partner UidPartner setup configuration information
Lendingtree Partner NameLendingTree partner name
Lendingtree Routing ParametersPartner account information, parameters (1, 2, 3) as set in Canopy Portal
Lendingtree Filter ClassInformation on what category the lead belongs to in order to determine the response form of Offers or Local Loan Officer
Lendingtree Loan Officer IdLocal Introduction Loan Officer Identifier
Lendingtree Request Assignment DateDate this lead was matched or referred to partner
Lendingtree Fee Transmit MatchInformation regarding the Transmit/Match fee charged to the partner
Lendingtree Fee TransferInformation regarding the Transmit fee charged to the partner
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body
Address 2Address 2
PricePrice of the lead
Mortgage Application Created AtTime application was filed
Mortgage Application Timeframe DaysTimeframe to close in days
Mortgage Loan TypeType of loan being applied for
Mortgage Loan AmortizationLoan amortization type: adjustable, fixed, or other
Lendingtree Is VerifiedHas the application been verified?
Lendingtree Promotional ProgramLendingTree promotional program name
Lendingtree Applicant IdLendingTree applicant ID
Lendingtree Loans FinancedLendingTree loans to be financed
Lendingtree Match Fee(deprecated) LendingTree match fee
Mortgage Refi Loan Balance(deprecated) "Balance of applicant's current mortgage"
Mortgage Application Bankruptcy(deprecated) Bankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Application Credit Rating(deprecated) Credit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor

Personal Loan

Use the LendingTree Personal Loan inbound integration to easily pass personal loan leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
Time To ContactBest time to contact applicant
DobDate of birth
SsnApplicant social security number
Is MilitaryDoes the buyer have current or previous military service?
Credit ScoreCredit value assigned by partner.
Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Employment StatusEmployment status
Annual SalaryAnnual salary
Residence TypeCurent residence information
ReferenceExternal lead identifier or URL
Loan TypeType of loan being applied for
Loan PurposePurpose of loan
Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Loan Term In MonthsNumber of months in term
Loan Is Existing CustomerConsumer is working with lender
Lendingtree Request Assignment DateDate this lead was matched or referred to partner
Lendingtree Partner UidLendingTree partner uid
Lendingtree Partner NameLendingTree partner name
Lendingtree Filter NameLendingTree filter name
Lendingtree Filter Routing IdLendingTree filter routing id
Lendingtree Routing ParametersLendingTree partner account information, parameters (1, 2, 3) as set in Canopy
Lendingtree Filter ClassLendingTree filter category
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body


Use the LendingTree Unified inbound integration to easily pass any form of LendingTree leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Phone 2Phone 2 (work)
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
ReferenceLendingTree application ID
Time To ContactBest time to contact applicant
DobDate of birth
SsnApplicant social security number
Campaign IdFilter Routing ID
Monthly SalaryMonthly salary
Residence TypeCurrent residence information
Employment StatusEmployment status
Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Credit ScoreCredit value assigned by partner.
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Leadid IdLeadiD identifier
Is MilitaryDoes buyer have current or previous military service?
Timeframe DaysTime until loan is funded in days
Company NameName of employer
Loan Is Existing CustomerIndicator of whether the Customer has is part/present working with the Lender for a different product or service
Mortgage New Property ValueValue of property being applied for
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's first mortgage
Mortgage Second Mortgage BalanceBalance of second mortgage
Mortgage Application Is Home FoundHas buyer found a home?
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorIs buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Property PriceProperty price
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property UseProperty use: primary, vacation or investment
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property CityCity where property is located
Mortgage Property Postal CodePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property CountyCounty where property is located
Mortgage Property MsaMarketing Statistical Area where property is located
Mortgage Property Purchase YearProperty purcahse year
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan Cash OutAmount of cash out from loan
Mortgage Loan PurposePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan TermNumber of years in term
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Bankruptcy Discharged Months AgoNumber of months ago bankruptcy discharged
Mortgage Foreclosure Was FiledForeclosure filed in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Foreclosure Filed Months AgoNumber of months ago foreclosure filed?
Lendingtree ProductProduct
Lendingtree Filter NameLendingTree filter name
Lendingtree Filter Routing IdID of application filter routing class
Lendingtree OptionHome improvement category selected by consumer
Lendingtree Loan ReasonReason for loan request
Lendingtree Present LtvPresent Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Combined LtvPresent Combined Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Proposed LtvLoan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Proposed Combined LtvCombined Loan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Partner UidPartner setup configuration information
Lendingtree Partner NameLendingTree partner name
Lendingtree Routing ParametersPartner account information, parameters (1, 2, 3) as set in Canopy Portal
Lendingtree Filter ClassInformation on what category the lead belongs to in order to determine the response form of Offers or Local Loan Officer
Lendingtree Loan Officer IdLocal Introduction Loan Officer Identifier
Lendingtree Request Assignment DateDate this lead was matched or referred to partner
Lendingtree Fee Transmit MatchInformation regarding the Transmit/Match fee charged to the partner
Lendingtree Fee TransferInformation regarding the Transmit fee charged to the partner
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body

Mortgage Offers

Use the LendingTree Mortgage Offers inbound integration to easily pass mortgage leads into any LeadConduit Flow you wish.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Middle NameMiddle name
Last NameLast name
Name SuffixName suffix
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Phone 2Phone 1 (work)
DobDate of birth
Marital StatusCurrent marital status
SsnApplicant social security number
CitizenIdentifies whether or not the individual is a legal citizen
Address 1Address 1
Postal CodePostal code
Residence TypeCurrent residence information
Time At Residence MonthsTime at residence in months
Months At JobTime with current employer, in months
Annual SalaryAnnual salary
Employment StatusEmployment status
Is Self EmployedWhether or not the applicant is self-employed
TitleJob title
Credit ScoreCredit value assigned by partner.
Debt CountDebt count
Debt AmountAmount of debt
PriceMatch Fee
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate
Leadid IdLeadiD identifier
Company NameName of employer
Company TypeThe business model of the company
Company Percent Of Ownership
Spouse First NameSpouse first name
Spouse Last NameSpouse last name
Spouse DobSpouse date of birth
Property Year BuiltThe year in which a property was built
Property CountryCountry where property is located
Mortgage New Property ValueValue of property being applied for
Mortgage Refi PurposePurpose of the refinance
Mortgage Is First Time BuyerWhether the borrower is a first-time buyer
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Loan TermNumber of years in term
Mortgage Loan Is Fha
Mortgage Loan PointsThe number of points in the offer
Mortgage Loan Points Payment
Mortgage Loan Preferred Rate
Mortgage Loan Closing CostClosing costs for a loan
Mortgage Property PriceProperty price
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property AddressStreet address where property is located
Mortgage Property CityCity where property is located
Mortgage Property Postal CodePostal code where property is located
Mortgage Property CountyCounty where property is located
Mortgage Property UnitsThis field captures the number of units on multi-unit properties like apartment buildings or town homes.
Mortgage Property OccupiedIs the property referenced currently occupied or vacant?
Mortgage Application Is Home FoundHas buyer found a home?
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorIs buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Application Created AtTime application was filed
Mortgage Application Realtor NameReal estate agent's full name
Mortgage Application Realtor PhoneReal estate agent's first phone number
Mortgage Application Realtor EmailReal estate agent's email address
Mortgage Application Realtor Company NameReal estate agent's company name
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy was declared at some point in the past
Mortgage Bankruptcy Discharged Months AgoNumber of months since last bankruptcy discharge occurred
Mortgage Bankruptcy Date DeclaredThe date when bankruptcy was declared
Loan CollateralType of loan collateral
Loan TypeType of loan
Loan OffersAdditional appended data
Lendingtree Applicant IdUniquely identifies the quote request
Lendingtree Down Payment TypeEither Percentage or DollarAmount
Lendingtree Filter Routing IdID of application filter routing class
Lendingtree Present LtvPresent Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Combined LtvPresent Combined Loan to Value percentage
Lendingtree Proposed LtvLoan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Proposed Combined LtvCombined Loan to Value percentage incorporating new loan amount
Lendingtree Loan Officer IdLocal Introduction Loan Officer Identifier
Lendingtree Filter ClassInformation on what category the lead belongs to in order to determine the response form of Offers or Local Loan Officer
Lendingtree Loan ProductsList of products
Lendingtree Individual Or JointIs the application for an Individual or is it Joint?
Lendingtree Lender ParamLendingTree Lender param
Lendingtree Loan Officer EmailLocal loan officer email
Lendingtree RawRaw LendingTree request body


Append Lead Offer data from Mortech

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
Assigned Loan Officer Name
Assigned loan officer name
Borrower's email address
Borrower's name
Borrower's phone number
Canned Text
Canned text
Collateral Value Verification
Collateral value verification
Copy Of First Mortgage Verification
Copy of first mortgage verification
Current Mortgage Payment Verification
Current mortgage payment verification
Customized Message To Borrower
Customized message to the borrower
Administrative Fee
Administrative fee
Application Fee
Application fee
Appraisal Fee
Appraisal fee
Courier Fee
Courier fee
Credit Report Fee
Credit report fee
Document Fee
Document fee
Flood Certification Fee
Flood certification fee
Other Fee
Other fees
Processing Fee
Processing fee
Tax Fee
Tax fee
Under Writing Fee
Underwriting fee
Wire Transfer Fee
Wire transfer fee
Income Verification
Income verification
Lender's email address
Lender's name
Lender's phone number
Lender Id
Lender ID
Loan Application Id
Loan application ID
Loan officer's email address
First Name
Loan officer's first name
Last Name
Loan officer's last name
Loan officer's phone number
Offer Description
Offer description
Other Documents
Other documents
Other Income Verification
Other income verification
Private Mortgage Insurance Required
Private mortgage insurance required
Recent Homeowner Policy
Recent homeowner policy
Residence Verification
Residence verification
Review Of Credit Report Receipt
Review of credit report receipt
Revoke Offer
Revoke offer
Sufficient Fund Verification
Sufficient fund verification
Transaction Type
Transaction type
Outcome of the integration
If the outcome is not success, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Loan Offers
Additional data from Mortech
Lendingtree Raw
Required fieldLendingTree needs this data to function.
Raw LendingTree request body


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)