Every quarter we spend a day reviewing our accomplishments from the last three months, making ambitious plans for the upcoming quarter, and kicking back with our teammates to relax. Last quarter we assembled our entire team at the T Bar M Resort and had a kickball game. Hoping to kick off 2018 in an exciting and memorable manner, we decided to go axe throwing last week.

2017 was a big year for ActiveProspect, and we finished with a strong final quarter. A few of the highlights we discussed included our partnership with MediaAlpha to offer TrustedForm to insurers, the addition of Anura as a service available within LeadConduit, and a case study we released with Horizon Solar demonstrating the impressive growth of their paid lead channel. With all that behind us, it was time to celebrate.

While kickball, miniature golf, boating, and other more common team building activities are great, we found nothing takes the load off quite as well as hurling hatchets at a target for a few hours. Fortunately, since we don’t have any in-house axe-throwing experts, the coaches at Urban Axes were able to quickly train us well enough to avoid injury during the outing.

Additionally they set up a companywide tournament for us, which taught us that our graphic designer and UX designer both have an unusual aptitude for throwing axes.

Sound like something you would like to be a part of? Good news, we’re hiring! Check out our careers page to see if you might be a fit.

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