The ActiveProspect team is thrilled to be featured on Built In Austin’s list of Best Places to Work in Austin! With so many great companies in Austin, we are proud to make this distinguished list. Built In Austin is an online community for Austin-based tech companies and startups. In assembling this list, they looked into various employee criteria: Health and Wellness, Financial Planning and Stability, Flexible and Diverse Work Environment, Professional and Social Impact, and Perks and Discounts.

Employee satisfaction is a top priority at ActiveProspect. While we offer the great benefits one might expect at a tech company (health insurance, retirement plan with company match, stocked kitchen, etc.), we understand that every employee needs to work a little bit differently. Offering employees a flexible work schedule, the ability to work remotely, and unlimited PTO allows our team to maximize productivity without having to worry about work getting in the way of their personal lives or vice versa. Kara Kriegshauser, one of our Client Success Managers says: “I can honestly say that I’ve never worked at a company that cared this much about work/life balance. The management at AP understands that what’s “balance” for one isn’t, necessarily, balance for another.”

While we appreciate being a great place to work in Austin, the reality is that many of our employees are distributed throughout the country. Therefore, employee satisfaction is much more than office perks. The company actively supports the career development of each member of the team. Kelly, a Senior Software Developer and Team Lead notes that “we learn from each other, and if we have aspirations to do something new or transition into another role, ActiveProspect is extremely supportive in making that happen.”

For more information, check out ActiveProspect’s profile on Built In Austin.

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