For the past two months, devastating reports about hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria have felt like a continuous stream of bad news. In the wake of these three horrific tragedies though, we have seen remarkable donations from individuals, small companies, and even corporations for aiding the relief efforts of victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.

ActiveProspect is headquartered in Austin, Texas. While our office and personnel were all a safe distance from where hurricane Harvey made landfall, our team has numerous familial, personal, and even business connections in Houston, Beaumont, Victoria and handful of other towns that were directly impacted as well.

Following the lead of larger companies such as Google, Amazon, and countless others who pledged more than $150 million in a matter of days, we at ActiveProspect wanted to make sure we do our fair share to help those in need. According to Senior HR Director Marie Carroll, who initially suggested our donation, “so many people were affected by Harvey, including family and friends, we wanted to contribute in some way.”

Getting CEO Steve Rafferty on board was not an issue. As Marie says, “it was a no brainer to for our CEO to do a match for hurricane Harvey. One of the great things about working at ActiveProspect is that we have a giving and caring culture, so we knew the team would be happy to participate.”

All told, ActiveProspect employees met and went beyond the $1,500 match, across several charities. The company donations went to Red Cross and Feeding Texas, which are always in need of donations and gifts. We are grateful to have assisted our community in a time of need and look forward to contributing again in the future.

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