JSON Integration - ActiveProspect

JSON Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




JSON Website


A format using human-readable text to send data objects of attribute–value pairs and arrays. Accepts JSON, XML, HTML, or text responses.

Token-Authenticated JSON

Like the "plain" JSON integration, but allows configuration of an authentication token. That in turn is used to get and refresh access tokens during delivery as needed.

Appended Fields

ActiveProspect will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason
The full cookie header string captured via match with 'cookie_search_term'
The price of the lead
The reference ID of the lead

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Authentication UrlURL to get access token from
Authentication MethodHTTP method (GET, or POST) for authentication request (default: POST)
Authentication Property JSON property in dot notation for authentication request
Authentication Header HTTP header to send in the authentication request. Include the name of a credential field (TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN) and it will be replaced by that value
Authentication Token PathThe JSON dot-notation path used to find the access token. The final element will become the name of the credential field (default: accessToken)
UrlServer URL
MethodHTTP method (POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH; default: POST)
Basic UsernameHTTP Basic Authentication user name
Basic PasswordHTTP Basic Authentication password
Json Property JSON property in dot notation
Json ParameterTo "stuff" the JSON into a parameter and send as Form URL encoded, specify the parameter name
Nested Extra Parameter Extra JSON object that is included in the url encoded request body. Only added when the "json_parameter" mapping is enabled.
Extra Parameter Extra parameters to include in URL, only used when JSON Parameter is set
Outcome Search TermThe text to search for in the response. When found outcome will be "success". Regular expressions are allowed. Pro tip: Use Outcome on Match to use this term to search for "failure" instead of "success".
Outcome Search PathNarrow the search scope using dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath (for XML responses), or CSS selector (for HTML responses)
Outcome On MatchThe outcome when the search term is found - "success" or "failure" or "error" (default: success)
Reason PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the failure reason
Price PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the lead price
Fallback PriceThe fallback price to use if the price_path fails to parse a price from the response.
Reference PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the reference ID
Default ReasonFailure reason when no reason can be found per the optional Reason Path setting
Header HTTP header to send in the request
Send AsciiSet to true to ensure lead data is sent as ASCII for legacy recipients (default: false)
Capture A named regular expression with a single capture group, used to capture values from plain text responses into the named property
Response Content Type OverrideOverride response's Content-Type header with custom value.
Cookie Search TermThe text to search for to identify an HTTP cookie. Usually the cookie 'name' is sufficient; regular expressions are allowed
Follow RedirectsIf true, follow redirects even on methods other than GET (default: false)
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)


A format using human-readable text to send data objects of attribute–value pairs and arrays. Accepts JSON, XML, HTML, or text responses.

Appended Fields

ActiveProspect will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason
The full cookie header string captured via match with 'cookie_search_term'
The price of the lead
The reference ID of the lead

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

UrlServer URL
MethodHTTP method (POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH; default: POST)
Basic UsernameHTTP Basic Authentication user name
Basic PasswordHTTP Basic Authentication password
Json Property JSON property in dot notation
Json ParameterTo "stuff" the JSON into a parameter and send as Form URL encoded, specify the parameter name
Nested Extra Parameter Extra JSON object that is included in the url encoded request body. Only added when the "json_parameter" mapping is enabled.
Extra Parameter Extra parameters to include in URL, only used when JSON Parameter is set
Outcome Search TermThe text to search for in the response. When found outcome will be "success". Regular expressions are allowed. Pro tip: Use Outcome on Match to use this term to search for "failure" instead of "success".
Outcome Search PathNarrow the search scope using dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath (for XML responses), or CSS selector (for HTML responses)
Outcome On MatchThe outcome when the search term is found - "success" or "failure" or "error" (default: success)
Reason PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the failure reason
Price PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the lead price
Fallback PriceThe fallback price to use if the price_path fails to parse a price from the response.
Reference PathThe dot-notation path (for JSON responses), XPath location (for XML responses), or regular expression with a single capture group, used to find the reference ID
Default ReasonFailure reason when no reason can be found per the optional Reason Path setting
Header HTTP header to send in the request
Send AsciiSet to true to ensure lead data is sent as ASCII for legacy recipients (default: false)
Capture A named regular expression with a single capture group, used to capture values from plain text responses into the named property
Response Content Type OverrideOverride response's Content-Type header with custom value.
Cookie Search TermThe text to search for to identify an HTTP cookie. Usually the cookie 'name' is sufficient; regular expressions are allowed
Follow RedirectsIf true, follow redirects even on methods other than GET (default: false)
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)