Trestle Integration - ActiveProspect

Trestle Integration

Real Contact


Your account will be charged $0.03 for each lookup by this service.




Trestle Website


Real Contact validates whether a lead is real, confirms the person is who they say they are, and grades the contactability of the lead.

Appended Fields

Trestle will append the following data to your lead.

Appended FieldDescription
Integration outcome (success, failure, or error)
If integration fails, this is the reason why
Phone Is Valid
True if the phone number is valid.
Phone Name Match
A match/no match indicator whether the name provided on the lead form matches to the owner of the input phone number according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are.
Array containing warning messages, such as "Invalid input" or "Missing input"
Warnings Pretty
Data from the warnings array, combined into one string
Phone Activity Score
A 0-100 score indicates whether a phone is connected and in active use or whether it is disconnected and has not seen any activity. A score of 100 means consistent activity in last 12 months and a score of 0 means a disconnected number or no activity has been seen in the past year. An activity score of 30 or below means there is a high confidence that the phone is either disconnected or no one will answer the call when the number is dialed.
Phone Line Type
The line type of the phone number, such as "Landline", "Mobile", "Premium", "NonFixedVOIP", "FixedVOIP", "TollFree", "Voicemail" or "Other"
Phone Contact Grade
An A-F grade determining the quality of the lead and whether it is contactable. A Grade-F lead is a bad lead and should be deprioritized while a Grade-A lead is real and contactable and should be prioritized. Learn More.
Email Is Valid
True if the email is valid.
Email Name Match
A match/no match indicator whether the email provided on the lead form matches to the owner of the input email according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are.
Email Contact Grade
An A-F grade determining the quality of the lead and whether it is contactable. A Grade-F lead is a bad lead and should be deprioritized while a Grade-A lead is real and contactable and should be prioritized.
Address Is Valid
True if the address is valid.
Address Name Match
A match/no match indicator whether the address provided on the lead form matches to the owner of the input address according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are.


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Phone 1
Required fieldTrestle needs this data to function.
Phone number
First Name
Required fieldTrestle needs this data to function.
First name
Last Name
Required fieldTrestle needs this data to function.
Last name
Ip Address
IP address
Address 1
Address 1
Postal Code
Postal code
Company Name
Company Name

Custom Input Variables

The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).

Api KeyOptional API Key; standard transactional pricing will be applied if you use your own key.
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)