Facebook Lead Ads Integration - ActiveProspect

Facebook Lead Ads Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




Get the most out of the Facebook Lead Ads Integration using the advanced routing, validation, and delivery capabilities of LeadConduit.

Routed Inbound

Receive Facebook Lead Ads in realtime.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The lead identifier that the source should reference
The outcome of the transaction (default is success)
If the outcome was a failure, this is the reason
The price of the lead


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Middle NameMiddle name
Last NameLast name
SalutationPreferred salutation
Name SuffixThe suffix of a lead's name ('Sr.', 'III', 'PhD', etc.)
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone number
AgeAge in years
Ip AddressIP address
Source TimestampThe time the lead was captured, according to Facebook
Trustedform Cert UrlURL to the TrustedForm Certificate
Address 1The first line of the address
Postal CodeThe postal or zip code
DobDate of birth
Marital StatusThe consumer's current marital status
Phone 2Second telephone number
Company NameName of company/employer
Wildcard variable for custom fields
Facebook Page IdThe ID of the Facebook Page that generated the lead
Facebook Ad IdThe ID of the Facebook Ad that generated the lead
Facebook Ad NameThe name of the Facebook Ad that generated the lead
Facebook Adset IdThe ID of the Facebook Ad Set that generated the lead
Facebook Adset NameThe name of the Facebook Ad Set that generated the lead
Facebook Campaign IdThe ID of the Facebook Campaign that generated the lead
Facebook Campaign NameThe name of the Facebook Campaign that generated the lead
Facebook Form IdThe ID of the Facebook Form that generated the lead
Facebook Leadgen IdFacebook's lead ID
Facebook Opt InTrue if the lead has opted-in to be contacted, per Facebook's custom_disclaimer_responses field
Facebook Is OrganicWhether the lead is from organic search
Facebook PlatformThe Facebook platform that generated the lead ('fb', 'ig', etc.)

Lead Ads Data Append

For internal ActiveProspect use only.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the integration (default is success)
If the outcome is error, this is the reason


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

Field DataJSON string of Facebook field data (defaults to `lead.facebook_field_data_apros' or 'lead.facebook_field_data_apis')
Timeout SecondsProduce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360)