Tune Integration
Equipping companies with the technology to measure, analyze, and optimize performance marketing results in real time.
Appended Fields
Tune will append the following data to your lead.
Appended Field | Description |
Outcome | Integration outcome (success, failure, or error) |
Reason | If outcome is error or failure, the error reason(s) |
Tracking Id | Tracking Id from TUNE response |
Custom Input Variables
The following are configuration options (typically not collected with lead data).
Variable | Description |
Hasoffers Url | HasOffers postback URL |
Hasoffers Advertiser Sub Id | Advertiser sub ID 1 |
Hasoffers Advertiser Sub Id 2 | Advertiser sub ID 2 |
Hasoffers Advertiser Sub Id 3 | Advertiser sub ID 3 |
Hasoffers Advertiser Sub Id 4 | Advertiser sub ID 4 |
Hasoffers Advertiser Sub Id 5 | Advertiser sub ID 5 |
Hasoffers Affiliate Id | ID of affiliate promoting the offer |
Hasoffers Amount | Amount of a generated sale (on conversion) |
Hasoffers Conversion Unique Id | Non-expiring unique ID |
Hasoffers Offer Id | Offer's ID in HasOffers |
Hasoffers Payout | Specified offer payout to publisher |
Hasoffers Revenue | Specified offer revenue from advertiser |
Hasoffers Security Token | Advertiser’s unique token string for conversion authentication |
Hasoffers Status | Conversion status as one of: "approved", "rejected", or "pending" |
Hasoffers Transaction Id | HasOffers transaction ID |
Hasoffers Custom | |
Timeout Seconds | Produce an "error" outcome if the server fails to respond within this number of seconds (default: 360) |