Next week the ActiveProspect team will be in Miami at the Email Evolution Conference, Monday through Wednesday at the InterContinental.  If you plan to attend the show, stop by kiosk #302 and check us out. If you’re in the Miami area, send a quick email. We’d value the chance to meet up.

We’re excited to be taking part in this event because our services are of particular value to companies that acquire new subscribers via cost-per-lead advertising placements. We have turnkey integrations with all the major vendors, and we typically save our customers 20% of their media budget by rejecting subscribers in real-time that don’t meet our customer’s acceptance criteria (bad email, duplicate record, geo-location, age of sign-up, unapproved websites, etc.). Furthermore, our TrustedForm product allows you to independently verify the origin of the subscriber, and document proof of opt-in for future reference (great for CASL compliance).

We look forward to discussing how ActiveProspect can help transform your list building processes.

Written by ActiveProspect

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