Congratulations to ActiveProspect developer Mike Shapiro who competed in an all night hackathon and won! Just competing in an event like this shows you really love programming. Winning an event like this shows you are exceptional at it. Hats off to everyone that gave up a Friday night, a good night’s rest and 17 hours of their time to compete.

On June 15th, Nodejitsu hosted the “Hack Your Way to NodeConf” redeye programming contest to give away a trip to Portland, Oregon for NodeConf. Competitors were given seventeen hours, from 9:30pm on Friday night to create their entry. All entries were created from scratch, on site, using no previously written code (external libraries allowed). Judges from The Node Firm evaluated each project based on five criteria: Originality, Completeness, Design and Fun. Mike and his teammate Francis Gulotta (@reconbot) created the winning entry, “You Laugh You Lose”, a facial recognition game that challenges you to hold back your laugher while hilarious pictures are flashed before your eyes. After winning the contest, they were interviewed on NodeUp, the node.js podcast.
Congrats to You Laugh You Lose on Hacking Their Way to NodeConf
Thanks to photographer Madison Mcgaw for the pic of Mike and Francis presenting their winning program!

Written by Steve Rafferty

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