This Saturday (Apr. 7) at 7:00 PM CT we will once again upgrade LeadConduit. In addition to a few minor updates and bug fixes, the new version of LeadConduit will feature enhanced postal code functionality. Use of postal (ZIP) code fields will now include access to city and state data.

This new functionality is available in several places in LeadConduit. For example, lead deliveries can include city and state, even if only postal code is received by LeadConduit. City and state fields can now also be cross-validated with postal code data, so that, for example, a lead with a state of “NY” but a ZIP from Texas will be invalidated.

Additionally, postal codes can be validated based on their proximity (in miles) to a single, central ZIP code. You could specify, for example, to accept only leads with a ZIP code within 100 miles of a particular central ZIP. Learn more about setting acceptance criteria for field types in the LeadConduit knowledge base.

Another change in this release is that the following top-level domains will now be considered valid for email field types that are set to “only accept U.S. domains”: .aero, .coop, .museum, .pro, and .travel.

The release will take less than an hour. During that time, you may be unable to access the LeadConduit web interface for short periods. Incoming leads will continue to be captured and delivered without delay.

Written by ActiveProspect

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