You’ve likely heard that Time Warner may pay nearly $230,000 this week for repeated robocalls to a Texas woman, thrusting the topic of TCPA compliance into mainstream media.  I can’t help but wonder if the media focus of this large settlement to a single person will entice more consumers to start filing their own complaints.

With TCPA currently a media focus, I wanted you to see some of the most useful TCPA content posted this week:

  • Law firm Kelley Drye has created a tracker for pending TCPA petitions.
  • Privacy and Security Law Report provided this list of TCPA Do’s and Don’ts, carried by Bloomberg BNA today.

The large Time Warner fine has captured the attention of the media and the public.  If you want to ensure you escape unwanted attention from the FCC, now’s the time to talk to us about using  TrustedForm to verify and document proof of consent before making an outbound call to a mobile number.

Written by ActiveProspect

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