We are passing on some new research that was shared with us by our friend Chuck Davis of Webbula. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Webbula, they provide email verification and hygiene services.  We offer their services directly in LeadConduit as marketplace integrations. This means you can add them in seconds through our point and click lead flow editor. There are no minimums and you pay for usage directly through your ActiveProspect account. Give it a try!

The research was just published by The Relevancy Group and sponsored by Webbula.  It explores the value and power of email verification and multi-method hygiene. You can download the report for free.

Key Questions:

  • What is the state of email deliverability?
  • What are marketers doing to improve the quality of the email marketing lists?
  • What framework should marketers use for maintaining clean customer data?
  • How confident are marketers in the ability for email hygiene and verification to have an impact on business results?
  • Are marketers that are embracing the power of verification and multi-method email hygiene experiencing net improvement in business results?

Key Takeaways:

  • Email delivery rates have been trending downward over the past three years, and as of the second half of 2018 had dropped to 87 percent.
  • When asked about the verification and hygiene methods that marketers were using we found that most are not doing enough.  
  • Real-time email verification is a necessary tactic to ensure that email addresses are valid, but it is an incomplete defense. To improve deliverability and suppress against multiple threats, marketers need to adopt verification and multi-method email hygiene.
  • When asked, 53 percent of marketers stated they were very confident in the ability for verification and hygiene solutions to positively impact deliverability and revenue.
  • The Relevancy Group survey data suggests that those that are using verification and multiple methods of email hygiene outperform those that do not. Based on actual performance metrics, the mean annual budget for email verification and hygiene is ROI positive and necessary for advancing revenue.
  • Verification and multiple method email hygiene equate to approximately $2 million additional dollars in monthly revenue. Hygiene is not a cost, it is a profit center.

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