Steve Rafferty, ActiveProspect Founder and CEO, was selected to speak during the “Reinventing the Definition of Lead Quality” track on a panel titled “At the intersection of Fraud and Marketing Compliance”. The panel took place on May 1st, 2012 at the Encore Las Vegas. The panel consisted of four industry experts in online marketing compliance and was moderated by Mike Ferree of LeadsCouncil.

Steve Rafferty at the 2012 TargusInfo Summit

The panel was well received at the conference as it included candid discussion about the challenges the industry faces as it relates to fraud and compliance (hot topics in the current regulatory environment). Steve spoke about how TrustedForm was created to combat fraud in cost per lead advertising and to improve lead quality by verifying user intent. Steve stated “one of the most important things about lead quality is the intent of the user. What is this consumer actually signing up for?” Steve stated that “you have to look at things on an individual lead level because the fraudulent leads are mixed in with the good leads. I call it the pink slime of our industry.” He cautioned that lowering lead prices was not a cure for lower quality as it can encourage more bad behavior.

For those of you who missed it, here is a video of the panel:  Video of the panel

Written by ActiveProspect

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