LowerMyBills Integration - ActiveProspect

LowerMyBills Integration


Standard Transactional Pricing




LowerMyBills Website


LowerMyBills is a free, online service for consumers to compare low rates on monthly bills and reduce the cost of living.

Response Fields

LeadConduit returns the following data to the lead source.

Response FieldDescription
The outcome of the transaction


The following fields are used by this integration and automatically added to your flow when missing.

First NameFirst name
Last NameLast name
EmailEmail address
Phone 1Phone 1 (home)
Phone 2Phone 2 (work)
Address 1Address 1
Address 2Address 2
Postal CodePostal code
Employment StatusOccupational status
Monthly SalaryMonthly salary
ReferenceLowerMyBills lead ID
Credit RatingCredit rating
PriceThe price of the lead
SsnSocial security number
Leadid IdLeadiD identifier
Is MilitaryDoes buyer have current or previous military service?
Spouse Last NameSpouse's last name
Spouse First NameSpouse' first name
Company NameEmployer's name
Mortgage New Property ValueValue of property being applied for
Mortgage Existing Property ValueValue of applicant's current property
Mortgage First Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's first mortgage
Mortgage First Mortgage RateInterest rate currently paying on first mortgage
Mortgage Second Mortgage BalanceBalance of applicant's second mortgage
Mortgage Bankruptcy Was DeclaredBankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Application Timeframe DaysTimeframe to close in days
Mortgage Application Created AtDate application was created
Mortgage Application Credit RatingCredit rating: excellent, good, fair or poor
Mortgage Application Bankruptcy(deprecated) Bankruptcy declared in the last 7 years?
Mortgage Application Working With Realtor(deprecated) Is buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Application Is Working With RealtorIs buyer working with a realtor?
Mortgage Application Monthly Debt PaymentDebt payment per month
Mortgage Application Realtor NameRealtor's name
Mortgage Application Realtor PhoneRealtor's phone number
Mortgage Loan AmountAmount of loan required
Mortgage Loan Down PaymentAmount of down payment
Mortgage Loan PurposePurpose of loan: refi, purchase, or equity
Mortgage Loan TermNumber of years in term
Mortgage Loan AmortizationLoan amortization type: adjustable, fixed, or other
Mortgage Loan LtvLoan to value ratio (80.0005)
Mortgage Property PricePrice of property
Mortgage Property TypeProperty type: single family, multi family, condo, town home, coop, or mobile home
Mortgage Property UseProperty use: primary, vacation or investment
Mortgage Property StateState where property is located
Mortgage Property CountyCounty where property is located
Mortgage Property Purchase YearYear the property was purchased
Lowermybills Additional InformationAdditional information provided by LMB
Lowermybills Expect To BuyDoes the lead expect to buy a home?
Trustedform Cert UrlThe URL pointing to this lead's TrustedForm Certificate