What’s next for TrustedForm: Looking ahead to the next quarter
Following up on our recent release of the TrustedForm Certificate API v4.0, which includes productivity upgrades that will improve your overall experience and better insights about your leads, we’d like to give you a glimpse…
The top add-ons and integrations you need for your home services business
As a home renovator or installer, you understand that the industry is very competitive, and every little thing that can give you an edge over your competitors can make a difference. While having the skills…
How to respond to a TCPA warning
If you own a business and receive a phone call or a letter from a consumer claiming you have contacted them without their consent, your first instinct is likely to worry. The consumer’s communication may…
TCPA rules: What is changing and how to adapt to the new regulations
The TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing paradigms of online marketing and online consumers’ habits. As a marketer, it’s important for you to stay up-to-date and…
Why obtaining TrustedForm certificates is vital to keep your lead-selling business running smoothly
In the marketing world, time runs fast and changes happen quickly. In order to navigate it, you have to be alert about new laws and regulations, and be able to adapt and find solutions that…