10 Reasons Building Your Own TCPA Solution Is a Huge Mistake
As companies strive to build TCPA compliance into their lead generation and purchase initiatives, it can be tempting to save money by building an in-house solution to document proof of consent. Surely it’s as easy…

Blackstone Learning gets schooled by CASL
Another CASL fine was recently announced by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The company, Blackstone Learning Corp, was fined for sending emails to Canadians without having proper consent from the recipients. While the…

Introducing TrustedForm Masked Certificates for Lead Sellers
ActiveProspect, the originator of independent Internet lead certification, today introduced TrustedForm Masked Certificates, a feature that gives lead sellers more control over how much information they want to share with their buyers. TrustedForm is ActiveProspect’s lead certification service that […]

Oh, Canada! CASL Anti-Spam Law Goes into Effect July 1
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation goes into effect July 1, and American marketers who believe that compliance with the United States’ CAN-SPAM Act also will cover their activities in Canada could be setting themselves up for a rude and expensive surprise […]