The top add-ons and integrations you need for your home services business
As a home renovator or installer, you understand that the industry is very competitive, and every little thing that can give you an edge over your competitors can make a difference. While having the skills…
How to successfully generate leads for home services
The home services vertical is rapidly growing and includes several industries under its umbrella, from basic repairs to home improvement, and to even more recently, solar installation. As a home services marketer, your primary responsibility…
The five most popular integrations with ActiveProspect
At ActiveProspect, our real-time lead optimization platform empowers you to take action on your leads by customizing lead flows, enhancing leads with additional data, filtering and rejecting leads, and delivering it all straight to your…
Optimal Lead Distribution Methods for Buyers and Sellers
Whether you are a lead buyer or a lead seller, an effective and efficient lead distribution system is imperative for sustainability and viability in a complex and dynamic marketplace. While the process is typically automated,…
How to Increase Lead Quality for Every Lead You Buy
Has your business dealt with the common misfortune of finding out that the majority of leads you paid for are low-quality, bad leads? Whether you are just breaking into the world of lead purchasing or…